
Limited Time Flash Sale - Get 76% Off The Normal Price

How an Underdog Marketer Swooped in, Dominated an Affiliate Contest Full of Marketing Legends, and Banked $55,363 in Just 2 Months with a Simple 6-Step Strategy!

Special Offer: Only $197.00 $47.00

Hurry! This Offer WON'T Last Forever

This simple strategy is being used by even brand new online marketers to dominate highly-competitive affiliate contests, and earn thousands in cash and prizes (without ever having to create your own products, and requires zero tech skills!)

This is the email that popped into my inbox at 9:53AM the morning after the contest had ended... 

I gotta admit, I was so disappointed when I read it. At least at first I was...  

You see I’m a competitive guy, and even though I was relatively new to competing in big contests at that point…

And although the odds were stacked against me because I was up against such fierce competition from some of the top online marketers in the world…

Ranking 3rd place in a major affiliate contest didn’t sit well with me for a bit. 

UNTIL... two thoughts hit me that would change my mindset forever...

Thought #1: Even though I came in 3rd place, I’d just earned more money in two months than most people make all year long and got a cool bonus $3000 on top of that.

Thought #2: As a guy who didn't compete a lot in contests... I’d  just dominated many of the biggest marketers online in this affiliate contest. 

In fact, I beat one guy who was (and still is) one of my marketing idols. Actually, I beat his entire group of high-profile marketers who aptly named themselves “The Legends Table”. 

And the craziest part... I followed a super simple process that I believe anybody can duplicate... 

The same simple process I would go on to use over and over again to create hundreds of thousands per year in earnings. 

Even more gratifying... I’ve now been able  to show this same strategy to...

Coaching students who needed results fast...
Network marketers looking for a boost in income...
Struggling affiliate marketers who wanted consistent earnings they could rely on...
Newbies who weren’t ready yet to create their own products or complicated funnels…

And the reason they all love it so much... is that it allows you to get mountains of commissions sent straight to your bank account whenever you need it. 

Which will pave the way for you to provide a life of freedom for you and your family! 

The coolest part is what I’m about to show you gives you the chance to... 

Earn large surges of cash with very minimal tech skills (so simple an 8 year old could pull off in minutes)...
Generate tons of highly targeted leads that you can market to over and over again (WHILE you earn)…
Create a name for yourself alongside some of the biggest marketers in the world…
And earn more in a matter of weeks than most people earn in a year. 

ALL without ever creating a product of your own, or putting together some complicated marketing funnel!

What Top Experts Are Saying...

"Anyone serious about changing their life would benefit from Mark and his training" 

Ray Higdon

7-Figure Online Marketer

"I’ve personally watched him help over 1,000 students drive traffic, get leads, and get paid by following his game plan."

Brian Fanale

7-Figure Online Marketer

"Mark has helped us bank and extra $4k-$7k per week in our business" 

Todd and Leah Getts

7-Figure Online Marketers

"Truly I stamp my approval on Mark's training and his information and I don't make recommendations lightly" 

Tanya Aliza

7-Figure Online Marketer

"Mark gets my highest recommendation. I have never seen someone so committed and caring for his students." 

Norbert Orlewicz

7-Figure Online Marketer

"Mark is so full of integrity...... he is one of my favorite role models online" 

April Marie Tucker

Multiple 6-Figure Online Marketer

Hey Mark Harbert here... 

If there’s one thing that annoys me... it’s when I see good people who just want more for their family... stuck struggling, and living an unfulfilled life.

With zero freedom to do the things they dream about doing.

Even if like me, it’s as simple as being able to spend as much time with your family as you want... WITHOUT ever having to ask for permission from some boss!  

Believe me I know what it feels like to not have freedom.

Though I earn a hefty multiple $6-figure income per year online now, it wasn’t always that way. 

Not by a long shot! 

In fact, as I mentioned above, there was a time when my PayPal account had a total of $7 in it... and I had ZERO in savings. 

And it didn’t take long for things to go from bad to worse. 

As I was sat up working away on my old beat up HP computer, I was trying to figure out this online marketing game…

I walked into the kitchen and my wife was there, she opened the fridge, and spoke the words that still haunt me (and drive me) to this day...

“Honey, we need food.” 

The worst part was that she didn’t mean just for her and I. She meant we needed food to feed our little daughter who was only 4 at the time... 

As she stood there worried and stressed about what we were going to do... those words cut through me like no other words ever have in my entire life. 

Because I knew that my PayPal account was $7 dollars away from being bone dry. My family was literally on the verge of starving, and I had no plan or strategy to fix the problem. 

That day my life and my business changed forever. 

I knew that I could never let this happen again. Couldn’t let my family down anymore. 

But how? 

I’d already followed advice from network marketing uplines, and bombed hugely. 

Several times in fact.  

I’d read so many marketing books, combed through so many blogs, spent money on so many courses, searched through so many marketing forums, and watched so many videos…

I was completely overwhelmed. I didn’t have a clue where to even begin... even after being in the business for years.

At that point, I didn’t know who the heck to believe or follow. 

Yet this time, whatever plan I followed... it HAD to work. 

And it had to work fast! 

I’d love to tell you that I had a breakthrough and a week later the fridge was full of food and the bank account was bursting at the seams. 

But that’s not how it happened. 

HOWEVER... the commitment to never let that happen again was real, and after finally sticking to ONE plan, and following it through until I actually started earning commissions online…

And then stacking it with other strategies, I came up with a simple process that worked like crazy.

One that I could use over and over again whenever I need a surge of cash. 

Here’s the big problem you’re likely facing now…

By this point most people know what affiliate marketing is...

It’s when you sell someone else’s product, and the product owner pays you a percentage of the sell (a.k.a commission)  

This is great for new marketers who don’t want to create their own products, or don’t have the marketing skills to write high-converting sales pages, emails, upsells, etc.

Or marketers who don’t have the tech skills to build complicated funnels with a capture page, sales page, “buy buttons”, “thank you pages”.

Or for people who just don’t want to spend all the time and effort it takes to create those things! 

But even though affiliate programs give you all of these advantages, and is the easiest way for you to earn money online…

Most people don’t have a clue how to get eyeballs to their affiliate offers.

And without eyeballs you’re dead in the water! 

It gets even worse when you realize that learning how to get consistent online traffic can take months (or longer) of trial and error... IF you’re doing it on your own. 

Which is why 95% of people fail to earn any money with affiliate marketing. 

For affiliate marketing to actually work, you must know how to quickly create an audience of targeted prospects for your affiliate offers…

And get them fired up and anxious to pull out their credit card, ready to purchase what they’re about to see.

You must understand how to quickly get high quality prospects hungry for the solution that your product provides, seeing the offer, and trusting YOU enough to buy it

Again, figuring all of this out through trial and error can be a disaster to your income and worse...your self-confidence.

But what if you had a simple 6 step solution to…

Easily target the hot buyers for ANY products you want to offer (in any niche)...
Get them coming to YOU from the biggest websites in the world…
Make them get to know, like, and trust YOU as THE reliable source for the solution they’re looking for…
And get them foaming at the mouth ready to buy RIGHT AWAY?

Do you think that would help you start banking commissions, and be able to swoop into ANY affiliate contest happening in YOUR niche... and completely dominate the competition? 

Plus have the ability to stuff large direct deposits from affiliate managers into your bank account in a matter of months (or even weeks?) 


This is the Exact same Step-by-Step Process that helped me earn over $55,000 in one Affiliate contest…

And to make it simple for anyone at any skill level... I’ve laid this process out over three detailed modules so that anybody (even brand new marketers) can begin putting this into use right away. 

Get The Affiliate Contest Domination Course TODAY!

and Make ONLY One Payment of $197 $47


But wait...before I tell you what’s inside each detailed video module, let me answer the question that's probably on your mind right now. 

“Can I really earn $55K in 2 months following the Affiliate Contest Domination strategy.” 

The true answer is... I have no clue. 

But let’s be ultra conservative and say probably not! Especially if you’re just beginning.

However, what if you just earned an extra $1000 bucks in your first month? Would that help you pay a car payment, or some extra bills? 

And what if the next month you turned around and doubled that, earning an extra $2000 in a month? How would that change your life? 

Here’s the greatest part of this strategy…

Every single time you use it, you’re going to grow your audience and your list of personal leads. Which means the next time you find a product to promote, or enter an affiliate contest…

You’re already light years ahead of where you are now. 

For instance, after using this strategy month after month, I now have generated over 50,000+ leads that I can market to over and over again. 

Which means I’m able to beat the pants off my fellow competitors in an affiliate contest by simply sending out an email. 

Are you starting to see the power behind what you’re about to discover in this strategy I’ve developed through tons of testing and tweaking? 

I’ve done all the hard work for you! You now just have to follow the plan I’ve already laid out! 

This sets you up to grow your income month by month. Can you do that with a job? You can try, but I’d love to see that conversation with your boss when you go in and ask for a raise every month. 

Even better yet…

If you’re a network marketer, or you’re already selling your own products... what you learn in this system will help you not only sell more products or get more sign-ups…

It becomes a nice solid side revenue . 

PLUS it allows you to earn from the people who say no to your products or your opportunity!

Here’s what you’ll discover inside the 3 Module ‘Affiliate Contest Domination’ course…

The best way ever to make money online -- where all the hard work is already DONE FOR YOU! (This is perfect for beginners... OR experienced marketers who just want a rush of new cashflow)  
The simple steps to consistently add an extra $1000 (or MUCH more) per month to your income so you can experience more freedom... and even go full-time in your business. 
My time-tested secrets to compete against world-class marketers in affiliate contests... and dominate in a huge way (This will allow you to gain massive recognition and respect in your niche!)
Why you’ll want to immediately add affiliate marketing to your marketing game plan... even if you have your own products or services! 
A sneaky way to get every single marketing tool you use for free (Get others to pay for your tools, memberships, and coaching FOR YOU!)
How you may ALREADY be doing affiliate marketing but don't even realize it (most people are shocked about this when they see it...and then the lightbulbs go off!)
“Everybody is going to want my network marketing products.” WRONG! Most people will actually say no... but I'll show you how to make money from the people who say no anyway!
A weird way to get your prospects excited and fired up about your affiliate offers before they ever see it (this will skyrocket your commissions and put you WAY ahead of your competition in any affiliate contest!) 
How one blog post, that took me an hour to create, netted me $897 dollars during an affiliate contest (and how to write your posts so YOU can do the same!) 
The marketing resource you'll want to quickly create if you want to cash in from affiliate marketing for the long-term (and why you're flushing potential commissions down the toilet without it!)
The simple 2 step email marketing process that will turn you into a dangerous affiliate marketer even against seasoned pros inside ANY niche! 
The commission killing mistake that 97% of your competition makes when promoting affiliate products (avoiding this at all costs is the secret to becoming a top affiliate!)
Are you guilty of one of the 4 top marketing sins most people commit with affiliate marketing (Even one of these will push sales away from me!)
The 'ILT Method' that I stole from one of the top marketers in the online marketing world (and WHY it's created hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales for me!)
A natural law of human behavior that you should be taking massive advantage of! This makes people feel guilty if they don't buy your products!
The most powerful type of social media post that gets you massive engagement, leads, and sales... and it will only take you mere minutes to create!
A time-tested trick to boost affiliate sales for ANY product you're promoting (It never gets saturated and your prospects absolutely LOVE it every time!)
A simple one-page website template YOU can steal right from under my nose, that helped me create over 300 sales on just one product!
Why you can NEVER rely on the sales page to do the work for you when promoting an affiliate product (and what you should rely on instead!)
One of the simplest, yet most-effective ways to earn huge commission checks  from affiliate products (teenagers are earning millions doing this on YouTube every single year!)
The #1 secret to start earning huge commissions from Day ONE of a product launch you're promoting in an affiliate contest (this will have you doing laps around competition right out of the gate!)

As you can see... I’ve jammed everything I know about how to create affiliate income, and regularly obliterate your competition in affiliate contests into this product.

Of course, you could go and try to learn all this on your own…

But it would take you years... and you’d have to buy at least 5 separate courses to learn what’s inside this ONE course. 

Not to mention...most of the people who churn out courses... aren’t actually revealing anything they’ve personally used.

They’re simply regurgitating a bunch of stuff they’ve picked up from others, and packaging it up to make a quick buck.

Which is why most people have an astronomical refund rate.  

What you’re about to find out inside ‘Affiliate Contest Domination’ is the exact step-by step process I use daily to do one thing and one thing only. 

Bank large sums of commissions by simply getting eyeballs to other people’s products (that YOU didn’t have to create, or even make the sale!)

Still not sure if my training is the real deal?

Check Out What My Students Are Saying About My Trainings...

"Mark takes you by the hand and shows you the exact steps for MASSIVE RESULTS!" 

Ray Tarle

Online Marketer

"He pours all of his heart to everything he does, I personally own all of Mark's courses and they are top notch."

Vitaliy Dubinin

Online Marketer

"You are a great coach .... very easy to follow along..... well organized and clear explanations" 

Chuck Guyett

Online Marketer

"Mark, as always, you over-deliver!! Tons of value." 

Carlos Martinez

Online Marketer

"Awesome as usual Mark..feel like I could start my own olympics with all the hurdles I am jumping!!" 

Chris Julian

Online Marketer

"I particularly like your training as you never leave a stone unturned. You explain things so well ! I need that" 

Teri Moerschel

Online Marketer

Here’s Why a Lot of Product Creators Are About to Get Upset With Me...

In the years I’ve been creating income online I’ve discovered that earning massive profits is nice, but it no longer needs to be my main goal. 

Now I just want as many people to get their hands on the info that can help them out as possible. 

And that’s why I’m about to let you get your hands on this at a ridiculously low amount for a VERY LIMITED TIME. 

But there will be tons of other marketers that don’t like me giving all these secrets away for such a small investment! 

Get Access to Affiliate Contest Domination Now for Just $47…

Get The Affiliate Contest Domination Course TODAY!

and Make ONLY One Payment of $197 $47


WAIT! I Still Haven’t Told You About the Insane Bonuses You’ll Get Immediate Access to Inside… 

BONUS #1: How to Quickly Start, Grow & Monetize a Facebook Group w/ Jacob Caris

I interviewed a dude from Australia who recently crushed it in an affiliate contest chock-full of some of the top internet marketing gurus in the world as his competition. The craziest part is that even though he didn’t even place in the top 10... 

YET, he was still able to earn $180K in affiliate commissions by using a simple Facebook Group strategy! 

Here’s some of what you’ll find out inside this bonus...

How to blast light years ahead of the competition in ANY affiliate contest you enter… so you can  dominate and earn huge sums of money!
How to build a list of 6K+ prospects ready to hit the buy button on ANY affiliate product you promote!
What Jacob did to earn $180K in an affiliate contest (you can do this too even if you’re brand new!) 
How to start producing huge results in your online income month after month with this simple strategy! 
And much more!

BONUS #2: Copywriting & Influence Training w/ Justice Eagan

The thing that makes the biggest difference between people who are able to completely dominate the competition in affiliate contests (or affiliate marketing in general)...and those who don’t… Is the ability to persuade people to take action through your words. 

That’s why I spent over 2 hours interviewing one of the best copywriters in our space... So YOU can see how his mind works, and dig into his thought process as he writes hard hitting copy that gets people to taking action TODAY! 

Here’s some of what you’ll find out...

How to immediately command attention, boost engagement,& convert more sales with simple copywriting and influence secrets anyone can use. (Even if you cringe at the thought of writing!)
The secrets to using STORY in your copy to fly under the radar... and tap into the emotional hot buttons that make people take fast action.
Where the majority of your mindset should be spent when you're writing copy (If you want to talk directly to your prospects wants and needs)
Why an average-sized (or even small) prospect list can become insanely responsive... when you understand how to persuade and influence!
And much more!

BONUS #3: The Six Figure DMO Training with Mark Harbert

When you see the people who earn six-figures per year... it’s simply because they do a few things right every single day! 

Having a proven daily method of operation to follow, will be the most beneficial thing you’ll do for your business! 

If you want to earn six-figures, I’m going to give you the DMO that nearly every top earner online uses!  

Here’s what you’ll find out in this training...

The #1 thing you MUST be doing everyday that will radically boost your ability to succeed! (If you’re not doing this, you’re almost begging to fail)
How to make sure you’ll accomplish the most needed tasks that move you forward day by day. (Nearly every top-earner does this religiously!)
The secret to obliterate your biggest obstacle standing in the way of your ability to generate endless traffic, leads and sales online!
The 5 core money making activities that will separate you from the pack and almost guarantee you’ll get sales and signups in your business! 
And much more!

Why I handle bonuses differently than 99% of the other people trying to sell you courses…

There’s this thing in marketing called value stacking. Which means with bonuses I’m supposed to stack and stack until the bonuses are so valuable that it’s a total no-brainer. 

It’s a good strategy that works like crazy. 

The problem is most marketers will just throw a ton of bonuses from their catalog of products…

Even if they make sense no sense to the product they’re selling you. 

Not me! 

Which is why I take it a step further and make sure that my bonuses are going to compliment the product you’ll get so that it’s 10X more powerful. And easier to put to use right away. 

And as you can see, I’ve carefully selected bonuses that will help you do just that. 

The craziest part. 

Any one of these bonuses alone would cost you at least double what I’m charging for everything. 

BUT it won’t be like this for long. 

This is why you’ll want to grab this offer right now before it disappears! (and it will disappear!)

Get Access to Affiliate Contest Domination Now for Just $47…

Get The Affiliate Contest Domination Course TODAY!

and Make ONLY One Payment of $197 $47


"Has really taught me so much as a newbie to online marketing!!!" 

Dara Lee Euvrard

Newbie Online Marketer

"I just wanted to jump on and thank Mark Harbert so much for this amazing program. It has seriously revolutionized my life! " 

Monica Perez Burnett

Online Marketer

"I have to say that Mark is a one of a kind trainer. When it comes to making it simple. Mark is a master at what he does" 

Bob Betts

Online Marketer

As soon as you hit the buy button above, you’ll be taken to a secure page where I’ll simply ask you for your debit/credit card info. I’ll also ask you for your best email to send you the link to access your course. 

Once you get this link, you’ll be taken to my membership area where you can watch all 3 modules of this course, as well as download all your bonuses. 

And the next part is the most important! 

You’ll want to immediately start taking action so that you can pull in some affiliate commissions this month. 

Right now your choice is to keep struggling over the next month(s)... 

Or set yourself up so that by next month you could have new commissions flowing into your bank account. 

The month will go by whether you do anything or not. Don’t you want to be richer and happier at the end of it? 


There’s no way I can keep all this value at this low price for very long. There is simply just to much value in this course for marketers. 

This is a limited time offer that will go away when the timer gets to ZERO! 


Affiliate Contest Domination 3 Module Video Course

$497 Value

Affiliate Contest Domination 3 Module Audio Course

$297 Value

BONUS: Start, Grow, and Monetize FB Groups Training

$197 Value

BONUS: Copywriting & Influence Training

$197 Value

BONUS: The Six Figure DMO Training

$197 Value

BONUS: Bonus Page Template

$97 Value




If you're the type of person who is ready to GET PAID, DOMINATE AFFILIATE CONTESTS, and build your dream business, then this is the next step to making that happen...


Get The Affiliate Contest Domination Course TODAY!

and Make ONLY One Payment of $197 $47