

For network and affiliate marketers who have a goal of earning $10K+ per month -- but still aren’t even close (and have no solid plan to get there)…

Hi-Jack the Same Proven ‘90 Day Game Plan’ One Failing Marketer Used to Go from Only $7 Dollars in His PayPal Account...to Hit $5-Figures Per Month in Just 90 Days Using Video!

This 90 Day Game Plan will work no matter what marketing strategy you’re using, which platform you’re on... and will even work if you’re brand new and have zero budget for ads!

Special Offer: Only $97.00 $7.00

Hurry! This Offer WON'T Last Forever

Do You Have a Goal To Hit $10k Per Month in Your Business? 

If so that’s great! 

Unless of course you don’t have a rock-solid plan for how you’re going to achieve that goal. 

Because every single day you have this $5-Figure goal without a proven plan to get you there FAST… 

it means you’re settling instead for the normal 3 to 5 year plan most marketers are forced to accept (if they ever hit it at all!) 

And if your situation is anything like mine was -- and I sincerely hope not -- you simply don’t have that long to wait!! 

Let’s face it…

You didn’t start your home business with a plan to struggle for the next 3 to 5 years before you can start cashing the big commission checks and hitting new ranks within your company. 

Because isn’t it true that the night you realized you can earn money ONLINE from home and be your own boss…

...the last thing you were thinking about while lying in bed… wide-awake staring at the ceiling… was what your business will look like in 3 or more years. 


You Want To Create a Better Life For You and Your Family as FAST as Possible Don’t You? 

If so keep reading, because I’m about to show you exactly how I did it, and how YOU can do it too! 

Hi my name is Mark Harbert, and yes... 

That guy above with just $7 bucks in his bank account was me. (But that’s only a small part of the story.)

Because the sad fact was that at that exact same time, I also had a hungry infant daughter...with an empty refrigerator! 

As you can imagine, it was the absolute worst, most desperate and helpless day of my life! 

I’ll never forget the feeling of walking into my kitchen, my wife staring into the fridge, and saying those four dreaded words that are implanted in my mind forever... 

“Honey, we need food!” 

The rush of panic I felt, knowing we only had $7 bucks in a Paypal Account was something I wanted to make absolutely certain to never feel again. 

Just like you may be right now, I was struggling and floundering around with my business. For years in fact. Sure there were some small wins here and there, but nothing that could even come close to sustaining my family. 

That very day I made a decision that changed everything. (The same decision YOU can make RIGHT NOW!)

I decided right then and there that I was going to commit to going hard and consistently follow a strategic game plan for 90 Days to turn it all around. 

And holy smokes did it work!

I quickly shot from earning zero in my business... to hitting $5-Figures per month within 90 Days, and have NEVER earned less than $5-Figures in a month since! (And I want to show you how YOU can do the same thing!) 

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

You work for hours on your business, sitting up late at night missing out on your family...and still have nothing to show for it!
You purchase marketing course after course, and sit through FREE webinars, hoping it will be the answer to help you grow your dream business... but you walk away more confused and overwhelmed than ever!
Your family and friends ask you how your business is going, you’re embarrassed to say that you’re still struggling even after all this time! 
You go to bed at night stressed and heartbroken...and you’re “this close” to throwing in the towel forever!
Your spouse doesn’t believe YOUR dream of $10K per month is possible, they’re losing more faith by the day, nagging you to get away from the computer and spend more time with the family...and it’s causing resentment on both sides! 

If any of that feels familiar, you’re certainly not alone! 

Ask 10 home business owners what their monthly income goal was when they first got started... and 9 of them will tell you $10K per month! 

Ask those same 10 people if they’re hitting that goal... and AT LEAST 9 of them will say NO! In fact most aren’t earning more than a hundred bucks per month! 

But why? Why are so many people struggling to earn money, while others can hit it within the first year (or in my case within 90 days?) 

Here’s the Biggest Reason Why Most People Can’t Hit the $5-Figure Per Month Goal…

It’s simply because they don’t have a solid step-by-step plan to follow.

No, I’m not talking about a marketing strategy. Those are a dime a dozen online. And the truth is, that most of them are good enough to actually work. 

It’s not the platform you decide to market your business on. 

If you know me at all, it's no secret in the online marketing space many consider me an  expert at video marketing, YouTube, and now Facebook marketing! 

In fact many people pay me a hefty amount every month for coaching to learn these skills. 

But it really doesn’t matter if you’re building your business on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or anywhere else!...

If you don’t have a game plan to follow to...you’ll continue to struggle forever...and never hit that $10K goal! 

Bottom Line...If You Don’t Have a Solid and Proven Game Plan You’re In Trouble! 

So quick question…

what if you could hi-jack my proven game plan to grow your business from where it is now, to hit $5-Figures in the Next 90 Days (or less?)

The truth is... it’s actually a WAY more simple, powerful, and solid plan now than when I first used it. 

Because with my years of experience, tens of thousands of dollars in training, and putting it through the test with clients and students applying it over and over…

I’ve damn near perfected this thing to a science to keep your mindset strong, and give you the daily action steps to hit your $10K goal FAST!  

If you had that plan in your hands, could you commit to 90 days of consistent daily action, doing the right things day after day, to grow your business in the shortest time period possible??

Instead of the typical 3 to 5 years!! 

Here’s where you should be enthusiastically nodding your head YES! Because this can change EVERYTHING for you so fast your head will spin! 

In fact if you have a fear of success...then you might want to get over that fear ASAP, because this WILL be your biggest key to propel you straight into a successful business earning $5-Figures per month. 

Are you ready for it? 


‘The $5-Figure 90 Day Game Plan’

"My Proven Simple Daily Action Plan to Hit $10K+ Per Month In Just 3 Months!"


Get the $5-Figure 90 Day Plan (and ALL the Bonuses for the Next 72 Hours Only for Just $7!! (Normally $97!)

(Follow This Exact 90 Day Video Marketing Plan That I and 100's of My Students Have Used for Shockingly FAST Home Business Results!)


The exact "Set It & Forget It" system I have put together to have AUTOMATION working for me on social media.


As you will soon find out, social media automation is where you set up a system that doesn't require you every day to post. 


You will get and entire set of downloads and social media content to get your started on your automation journey.

Here Is Everything You Get When You Invest for just $7 TODAY...

The Full “$5-Figure 90 Day Game Plan” Training Course ($97 Value)

This jam-packed 68-minute video training is pure gold if you’re looking to start earning $10,000+ per month within 90 days! We will walk you step-by-step through exactly how to set-up your 90 day run, and how to see results faster than you ever have before. 

This is the exact (but much improved) marketing plan that I took to go from literally $7 in my Paypal account, to $5-FIGURES PER MONTH (and I haven't had a month below $5-figures since!) 

Plus Get ALL These EXCLUSIVE FAST-ACTION Bonuses When You Act NOW...

BONUS #1: MP3 Audio Version of The Entire Course ($37 Value)

You're busy and on the go! It's time to put that time to use so you never slow down your 90-Day Game Plan. Listen and learn in the car, at the gym, while you're doing housework. Anywhere and anytime! These next 90 days are YOURS to claim and change your family's life forever! 

BONUS #2: Your $5-Figure Per Month Goals Worksheet ($97 Value)

You ARE going to make this work once and for all! Therefore you need to get your goals down on paper! This is THE most powerful way to generate massive results fast! I will walk you through figuring out your goals, and achieving them day by day though these exercises. (This is the game changer for YOUR business!!) 

BONUS #3: The $5-Figures in 90 Days Tracking Sheet ($97 Value)

WARNING: Do NOT make the #1 mistake 97% of people make by not tracking your results. It's VITAL that you are consistent with your Game Plan for the next 90 days! 

My 90 Day tracking sheet will be your #1 asset throughout the next 90 days as you keep careful track of your progress. 

But the cool part is that the way we’ll do it is fun as heck. This tracking sheet, along with my proprietary scoring system will guarantee you consistently tackle all the simple MUST HAVE DAY-BY-DAY activities to absolutely crush it in the next 90 days

BONUS #4: Content Promotion Mastery With Norbert Orlewicz ($297 Value)

This 90-Minute Video training will put ALL your content on overdrive. Recently I had my mentor and $8-Figure Earner Norbert Orlewicz come out and train a group of VIP students on content marketing & promotion to maximize lead flow and traffic to your content. 

He blew everybody away, and now you’ll know exactly what content to create, and how to promote it to attract new daily leads YOU.


30-Days Inside My TLS INSIDERS Club For Only $1!

This is your chance to see what goes inside my private group of VIP students where you’ll get access to the insider marketing strategies and tactics that are working for me today. This will help you set the next 90 days on fire!

Here’s just some of what you’ll get inside! 

  • One Monthly Group Coaching Call with Me ($2500 Value) - First access to my personal what's-working-now strategies that are proving to be my best profit centers! 

  • Monthly ZOOM Calls W/ My Tech Assistant ($4500 Value) - never get stuck again on a tech issue. We'll get you through it so you can keep moving forward! 

  • VIP Facebook Group For Members ONLY ($997 Value) - The lonely world of online marketing will end in a huge way once you access this exclusive VIP Facebook group for TLS Members ONLY! (Get access to me and all the students to get any question answered immediately!)

  • Much more...

Please Note: After your purchase of "The $5-Figure 90 Day Game Plan" you will see a page where you can activate this 30 days access for only $1. We do not offer a trial to this membership except to action takers like yourself. After your initial 30 trial period you will be charged $47/month unless you email our support at support@markharbert.com to discontinue your membership. This bonus is completely optional but will really enhance your game plan experience and can get your further help and access to me should you want it.

What Top Experts Are Saying...

"Anyone serious about changing their life would benefit from Mark and his training" 

Ray Higdon

7-Figure Online Marketer

"I’ve personally watched him help over 1,000 students drive traffic, get leads, and get paid by following his game plan."

Brian Fanale

7-Figure Online Marketer

"Mark has helped us bank and extra $4k-$7k per week in our business" 

Todd and Leah Getts

7-Figure Online Marketers

"Truly I stamp my approval on Mark's training and his information and I don't make recommendations lightly" 

Tanya Aliza

7-Figure Online Marketer

"Mark gets my highest recommendation. I have never seen someone so committed and caring for his students." 

Norbert Orlewicz

7-Figure Online Marketer

"Mark is so full of integrity...... he is one of my favorite role models online" 

April Marie Tucker

Multiple 6-Figure Online Marketer

What Mark's Students Are Saying...

"Mark takes you by the hand and shows you the exact steps for MASSIVE RESULTS!" 

Ray Tarle

Online Marketer

"He pours all of his heart to everything he does, I personally own all of Mark's courses and they are top notch."

Vitaliy Dubinin

Online Marketer

"You are a great coach .... very easy to follow along..... well organized and clear explanations" 

Chuck Guyett

Online Marketer

"Mark, as always, you over-deliver!! Tons of value." 

Carlos Martinez

Online Marketer

"Awesome as usual Mark..feel like I could start my own olympics with all the hurdles I am jumping!!" 

Chris Julian

Online Marketer

"I particularly like your training as you never leave a stone unturned. You explain things so well ! I need that" 

Teri Moerschel

Online Marketer

"Has really taught me so much as a newbie to on line marketing!!!" 

Dara Lee Euvrard

Newbie Online Marketer

"I just wanted to jump on and thank Mark Harbert so much for this amazing program. It has seriously revolutionized my life! " 

Monica Perez Burnett

Online Marketer

"I have to say that Mark is a one of a kind trainer. When it comes to making it simple. Mark is a master at what he does" 

Bob Betts

Online Marketer

ALL the Above for the Tiny Investment of Just $7 Today!

My #1 priority is to make the next 90 Days (and beyond) the most profitable of YOUR life! 

As you can see, no stone has been left unturned to make that happen! Now it’s up to you to decide if the price of a couple of pizzas is worth it for you to change your entire life in the next 90 days!

The Clock Is Ticking! 
Act Now and Change EVERYTHING for Your Business and Life in the Next 90 Days! 


Get the $5-Figure 90 Day Plan (and ALL the Bonuses for the Next 72 Hours Only for Just $7!! (Normally $97!)

PS: The next 90 days will pass no matter what. What your business looks like after those 90 days depends on the decision you make TODAY!! You can either look back with regret that you didn’t take me up on this offer to give you the exact 90 Day Game Plan I used.... 

Or you can look back in 90 Days and know you’ll forever remember the day that changed everything for YOU! 

Grab Your $5-Figure Game Plan HERE! 

See you inside!

Mark Harbert - 7-Figure Online Marketer