
Make Money Online Following the Proven Strategies of Today's Top Influencers...

Using The Revolutionary ‘Keystone Framework’ That Gives YOU A clear Proven Path To Creating A Seven Figure Business Just Like The Pros!

Step-By-Step Framework

Monthly Training

Coaching & Mentorship


BEST VALUE: get two months free


Recurring annual payment - Cancel Anytime




Recurring Monthly payment - Cancel Anytime

All prices in US Dollars

Since I hit my first 5-figures in just 90 days back in 2012, I’ve noticed two emotions that cause 95% of online marketers to fail...

OVERWHELM and CONFUSION.... and they have plagued our industry for far too long.

And it’s my mission to completely destroy them both for you starting today.

So you can systematically take your business from wherever you are right now (even if you’re a total beginner)...

To earn a predictable monthly income with zero overwhelm and ZERO confusion.

In fact, over the past 8 years I’ve helped thousands of people create full-time incomes online through my coaching and membership programs.

And I’m going to show YOU how you can make it happen even faster in your own business.

Using my brand new 9-step keystone framework, no stone will be left unturned to help you grow your online business to a steady and predictable $5,387, $10,117, even $16,495 per month.

From the Desk of Mark Harbert:

Dear online marketer,

Remember the first time you found out it was possible to earn money online?

The excitement you felt in your chest...

The thoughts of a new life racing in your mind where bills were no longer a concern.

Dream vacations with your family would finally be possible.

You’d get to drive the car you wanted to drive, instead of just the one you could afford.

And you got excited about the simple things...

Like picking up the tab when out to dinner with friends and family without stress and worry.

After you order whatever the heck you want without even looking at prices.

All because your new online earnings have given you a full bank account.

But then something happened.

You bought your first course or two that promised to show you all the things that it takes to get you to this new dream life.

Suddenly overwhelm and confusion took the place of all those dreams you had.

You felt paralyzed with no idea what to do next.

You found yourself sinking into that familiar doubt. Each tick of the clock seeming to whisper: "Time's running out".

You know it’s possible.

Heck you see young kids posting on Facebook and YouTube all the time about all their $20K months. Making money in their sleep.

Posting from boats on beautiful aqua water and you wonder "What the heck do they know that I don’t?"

If you’re sick and tired of spending money on training after training that leaves out half the picture when it comes to creating a successful online business…

Then you’re going to want to make sure to read everything I’m about to share with you.

Here’s where most courses and membership sites get it wrong.

They may show you the strategy, but they leave out the tech skills.

Or they’ll show you the strategy AND tech, but never help you build a powerful mindset from the beginning.

So you can keep pushing through the sticking points and become a full-time top earning marketer.

Unfortunately this has become the standard in the online marketing training space.

In fact, you’ve probably gotten so used to only getting half the picture…

You’ve had to piece multiple products and programs together just to TRY to get the full picture.


Recently I had the rude awakening that I was unknowingly doing this same thing with my members!

Embarrassing yes. But it’s true.

Me, the guy who over the past 8 years has taught countless people how to go from fearful beginners, to high $5-figure and $6-figure marketers…

Was leaving pieces of the puzzle out.

It all started with a comment from someone who canceled their membership in what used to be my “TLS Insiders” monthly training and coaching membership.

When someone decides to cancel, I always ask for comments so I can quickly plug any holes, and increase the value I give my members.

One woman decided to answer, and it changed everything for me.

She said: “All the training is great, but I just don’t know where to begin. How to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and make it work!”

This hit me like a ton of bricks. Because she was right.

And it caused me to completely overhaul everything inside my membership site.

The good news is YOU will be the one who benefits most.

Because I’ve gone back through what was already an extremely successful membership site, and filled in every possible missing piece of the puzzle.

And in doing so I can guarantee that nothing is missing for YOU to go from wherever you are on your online marketing journey right now…

To the highest level of APEX marketer who pulls in six-figures per year from product sales and even high-ticket coaching.

Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?

You have a great business you’re excited about, but you're lost and confused when it comes to getting traffic, leads and sales online?...
You've spent countless hours, trying to build your business online through social media, and you’ve got little to no results to show for it?...
You’re taking action on what you’ve been told to do... but you’re not getting anywhere near the results they said you would get (and you’re ready to rip your hair out in frustration?)...
You’re sick and tired of your spouse, family, and friends doubting your dreams... but you’re secretly starting to wonder if they’re right to doubt you? 

If ANY (or ALL) of that sounds familiar, don’t worry — you’re certainly not alone! No doubt you’ve already seen how discouraging and frustrating it can be to get real advice (that works)... and actual support in the online marketing world.


There’s nothing worse than hearing horror stories from good people like you, with big dreams (just like yours)... desperate and disappointed with your results while trying to grow a profitable online business.

It’s all happening because of...

The “Guru” Marketers who promise the world, but seem to magically disappear once they have their hands on YOUR hard earned money...
You’re sitting through over-hyped, but useless trainings... filled with mind-numbing technical jargon, fluff, and outdated tactics that fail to show you a thing that’s working RIGHT NOW online…
You've invested in Courses and trainings that have promised success... only to find out this promise is based on YOU having a huge email list, and a hefty advertising budget!


The Fearless Influencer Academy has quickly become the leading training community for marketers like you, who want a proven pathway to success...

This exclusive membership is jam-packed with zero-fluff, up-to-date, practical training, and resources following our proprietary three level, nine stage framework…

With no stone left unturned to help YOU grow, scale, and build a successful online business.

Fearless Influencer Academy Is the Perfect Place for Online Marketers to…

Stop guessing what to do next and just follow the proven 9-step Keystone Framework I've already laid out in front you (with mentorship and support the entire time)

Attract more prospects to YOU, and keep them engaged while building tons of know, like, and trust (So that they stick to you like glue and keep giving you money over and over again!)

Finally create a predictable monthly income and enjoy the lifestyle you've been dreaming about since you started your online business (you and your family deserve it)

What Is the Fearless Influencer Academy?

The ultimate training ground for aspiring online entrepreneurs who are hungry for success but are tired of the noise and confusion. 

This isn't just another "make money online" program; this is a transformative experience designed to elevate you from where you are to where you want to be.

At the core of this academy is the revolutionary Keystone Framework

This isn't a one-size-fits-all approach; it's a tailored roadmap that guides you through the critical stages of online marketing—from promoting the right offer and generating high-quality leads to closing sales with integrity. 

But what sets Fearless Influencer Academy apart? 

It's the ethos—the soul of the program. We don't just teach you how to make money; we teach you how to do it with unshakeable integrity and a rock solid purpose. 

You'll learn how to face your fears, conquer them, and turn them into fuel for your success. You'll discover how to prioritize people over profits, creating raving fans rather than just customers.

In this community, you're not just another student; you're a Fearless Influencer. 

You'll be part of a tribe of like-minded individuals, all committed to personal growth, community impact, and financial freedom. 

What is the keystone framework?

The Keystone Framework is a groundbreaking blueprint for online entrepreneurs who are serious about achieving success without the overwhelm. 

Think of it as your GPS for navigating the complex world of online marketing, broken down into three distinct levels: Genesis, Momentum, and Apex

Each level is a journey in itself, containing three pivotal stages that guide you through the essentials, the growth strategies, and the mastery techniques, respectively.

Level 1: Genesis marks your starting point, where you transition from idea and goal to a tangible plan of execution. It's where you'll absorb the foundational knowledge needed to cultivate a thriving business. Here, you'll grasp the basics that pave the way for life-changing success online, creating a winning mindset that primes you for future triumphs. During this stage, you'll gain clarity on your offer and set up your automated sales machine, positioning you to start earning profits quickly!
Level 2: Momentum is the second phase, where your progress begins to accelerate. In this phase, you'll hone the skills necessary to drive traffic, create compelling content, and optimize an efficient sales process. This is the point where all the puzzle pieces come together, transforming your business into a well-oiled machine that generates income even while you sleep.
Level 3: Apex is the pinnacle, the 3rd level where you master the art of online marketing. This is like getting your black-belt in digital marketing. Here is where you start playing at the level of the high 6, 7, and 8 figure earners. Making profitable presentations, creating your own products, and your own high ticket coaching program. This is where you become a Fearless Influencer, capable of not just making money but making a difference.

If you're tired of the hit-or-miss approach and you're ready for a proven path to success, the Keystone Framework is your roadmap to becoming a Fearless Influencer.

What sets the Keystone Framework apart is it's holistic approach.

It's not just about tactics. It's about your mindset. Creating the perfect offer that your target market wants. Setting up an effective sales funnel that gets results. And selling it with integrity and purpose.

The 9-Step Keystone Framework respects you as an individual. But it also challenges you to be your best self in business and in life.

That is the sort of thriving community we've built here that helps everyone create their best life possible with the best business possible.


keystone framework Training

($997 Value)

Every month we dive deep into a new specific "Whats Working Now" marketing strategy that fits within the Keystone Framework. 

These in-depth training sessions are designed to help you systematically get through the stages. And let you stay at the top of the game in this ever changing digital marketing landscape.

These trainings will map out the way for YOU to get results FAST

Each session we end with an in depth Q&A session so you don't leave wondering if this will work for you or not.

marketing hangout

($997 Value)

Yes...you’ll get direct access to me (in a group setting) once a month as we go over the mindset, the strategies, and the insider secrets that will get you to your goals faster than you likely think you can get there! 

I will also review your Facebook ads, YouTube videos, and anything you need help with where you feel you are not getting the results you want.

This is the stuff I don’t do except for my one on one clients and as a part of this community, I will do it for you too! (At literally a FRACTION of the price!)

Monthly tech training

($997 Value)

There’s no doubt you’ll be getting out of your comfort zone when it comes to the tech side of growing your dream online business. And that’s okay. We’re here for you!

My genius tech assistant will be there for you every month to answer your questions and help you blast through all your biggest technical sticking points.

Instead of getting stuck for weeks or months (or forever) like so many others... you’ll obliterate your tech obstacles in a matter of minutes, not days, weeks or even months!

weekly stage one training

($997 Value)

Step into a transformative journey with our weekly Stage One training sessions focused on bolstering your Personal Philosophy as a business owner.

These live calls are your golden ticket to reshaping your mindset and setting the stage for business success. 

We'll explore the three core pillars—Faith, Education, and Continuous Improvement—to arm you with the strategies you need to thrive in the digital landscape. 

Don't miss this opportunity to engage in real-time calls and get personalized insights to elevate your business game.

MEMBERS ONLY Facebook Group

($997 Value)

The lonely world of online marketing will end in a huge way once you access this exclusive VIP Facebook group for FIA Members ONLY!

Your family, friends, and co-workers on the outside have no clue what you go through on a daily basis. They can’t help you, motivate you, or even celebrate with you. Heck as you’ve likely seen...they often do the exact opposite.

NOW, you’ll be a VIP member to this exclusive group that will have you rising to new mindsets and abilities almost immediately! And yes... I’ll personally be in there with you!

Training Course Library

($1997 Value)

As a valued member you will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the Fearless Influencer training course library. 

This library is filled with 14+ courses and growing. This is a great way to get additional training on topics that range from video marketing to sales funnels, to automating your entire business online with the latest strategies.

This is one of the HUGE benefits to being a member of the Fearless Influencer Academy membership.



You’ll get ongoing monthly strategy trainings, hangouts, and access to me inside the FIA Private community.  In other words I don’t disappear when you become a member. I’m in there giving you the PROVEN what’s-working-now strategies, answering your questions, and giving advice all the time! You will get the help when you need it!


My tech wizard will give you tutorials on the different aspects and tools that you’ll need to master to create and run a six-figure business. Getting stumped on the techie side of things is what holds most people back. My personal tech expert will show you everything you need to know, with monthly trainings, Q&A’s, and weekly tips to catapult you on your journey!  


You’ll get immediate access to one of the most important elements of the Fearless Influencer Acacemy membership. The community is robust with people on your journey, and past students and clients of mine. PLUS again, you’ll get access to me and my team to answer your questions so you’re never alone building your business! This will quickly become your brand new family! 

Get Instant Access to Fearless Influencer Academy!

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, simply choose your payment option below and click the button to join our thriving community...


BEST VALUE: get two months free


Recurring annual payment - Cancel Anytime




Recurring Monthly payment - Cancel Anytime

All prices in US Dollars


The truth is the Fearless Influencer Academy is definitely NOT for everyone. And instead of having you find out the hard way, wouldn’t it be better for  you to simply figure out if it’s right for you... BEFORE you join... so you don’t waste your time (and quite frankly mine?)  So, let’s get straight to the point...


You want more traffic, leads, and sales in your business... and are tired of doing all the things that don’t work! 
You’ve been struggling to grow your business long enough, and you want to get the strategies that are actually proven to work (and are working RIGHT NOW!) 
You’re someone who can set a goal, and keeping moving forward toward that goal, even when you run into bumps in the road that try to knock you off course!
You’re ready to ditch the get rich quick mindset, and willing to put in the time and effort it takes to follow directions and actually grow your business 
You want to connect with a group of your peers who are on the same journey as you, and will support you and cheer you on the whole way! 
You’re willing and able to invest in yourself (and your future!) and are ready to take action NOW! 


You’re looking for get-rich-quick methods where you don’t have to do any work (Hint: Those don’t exist!)
You’re not an action taker, and can’t take any steps without someone holding your hand the entire way! 
You can’t follow directions for at least 90 days to start seeing the results that you’re after!
You can’t be supportive of your fellow members, hate to see others succeed, and aren’t willing to ask for help when you get stuck or come up against a road block!
You’re not willing to invest in yourself and your family’s future!
You truly cannot afford Fearless Influencers Academy right now and investing $47 will genuinely put you and your family in danger (If this is the case, please go to my blog, and my YouTube Channel and start taking action on the free info I’ve already laid out there!)

I know, you’re not used to this right? LOL! If it’s weird that I’m trying to talk you OUT of becoming a member...it’s actually for both of us. Because if this is not a fit for you... neither of us benefit. My team and I are 100% committed to YOUR success.  Only if you’re as committed to your success as we are, do we want you to even consider joining right now! It simply may not be the right time for YOU! 

However, if it does sound like it’s exactly what you’ve been looking for... then NOW is the time to Act! 




“From working with Mark the last two years I can tell you this guy is all heart and his trainings are epicly designed to help you get maximum results. Anyone serious about changing their life would benefit from Mark and his training”

“Mark Harbert is one of the most caring, passionate, knowledgeable marketers you will find online today. If you are seeking a coach & mentor to get RESULTS in your business, Mark is a unique talent that can lead you to the promised land. Seriously, I heart MH.”



"Truly I stamp my approval on Mark's training and his information and I don't make recommendations lightly" 

Tanya Aliza

7-Figure Online Marketer

"Mark gets my highest recommendation. I have never seen someone so committed and caring for his students." 

Norbert Orlewicz

7-Figure Online Marketer

"Mark has helped us bank an extra $4k-$7k per week in our business"

Todd and Leah Getts

7-Figure Online Marketers


"Mark takes you by the hand and shows you the exact steps for MASSIVE RESULTS!" 

Ray Tarle

Online Marketer

"He pours all of his heart into everything he does, I personally own all of Mark's courses and they are top notch."

Vitaliy Dubinin

Online Marketer

"You are a great coach .... very easy to follow along..... well organized and clear explanations" 

Chuck Guyett

Online Marketer

"Mark, as always, you over-deliver!! Tons of value." 

Carlos Martinez

Online Marketer

"Awesome as usual Mark..feel like I could start my own olympics with all the hurdles I am jumping!!" 

Chris Julian

Online Marketer

"I particularly like your training as you never leave a stone unturned. You explain things so well ! I need that" 

Teri Moerschel

Online Marketer

"Has really taught me so much as a newbie to on line marketing!!!" 

Dara Lee Euvrard

Newbie Online Marketer

"I just wanted to jump on and thank Mark Harbert so much for this amazing program. It has seriously revolutionized my life! " 

Monica Perez Burnett

Online Marketer

"I have to say that Mark is a one of a kind trainer. When it comes to making it simple. Mark is a master at what he does" 

Bob Betts

Online Marketer



So, you have questions? Let us try to answer those for you...

Q: What niche is the Fearless Influencer Academy membership for?

Fearless Influencer Academy is for any niche. The principles that are taught apply to Network Marketing, Affiliate marketing, Real Estate, Insurance, and even E-commerce sites. If you need more Traffic, Leads, and Sales for your business (no matter what niche) then the Fearless Influencer Academy is for you.

Q: I am a beginner to online marketing, is Fearless Influencer Academy for me?

ABSOLUTELY! When you start your membership today, you will get access to our "Fast Start" and "Core Training" frameworks. These are specifically designed to help the newbie with no online experience to get set up and rocking with online marketing. Our goal is to take the confusion and overwhelm out of marketing online and get you moving right away. 

Q: Is all of the content available right away or is it drip fed?

You get access to everything inside the membership right away. You don't have to wait. Along with my team we are updating the content on a weekly basis.

Q: Can I get one-on-one coaching and support for my business?

There are several great ways you can get help in your business. First you get access to our thriving Facebook group where you can ask questions anytime and get an answer. We also run monthly hangout style sessions where you can come on and get personal help. I am in the FB group every day and I personally run the group coaching call so absolutely you can get help.

Q: Do I get anything in the mail when I join Fearless Influencer Academy?

NO - everything we do is housed within our secure members area. You will receive your log in information as soon as you sign up in your email inbox.

Q: Why should I become a member today instead of waiting?

Plain and simple. It's time to take action and get the help you need. If you really want to have a successful online business you need help. There is no way of getting around it. I never had success until hired a coach and paid him $50,000 a year for coaching. This is my way of helping you get that coaching at a fraction of the cost. Also, I will be raising the cost of this membership soon. You will be locked in for life at this price as long as you take action now.

Q: What if I decide I want to cancel my membership?

It goes without saying that I want you to be a member forever and my goal is to make this the best place for you to get help when you need it. However if you sign up and then decide you don't want to continue, you just email us at support@markharbert.com and we'll cancel your membership with no hassle. We are here to serve you and want to help you succeed.

Q: Do you provide any type of tech support?

Absolutely, that is one of the big parts of our membership. It goes without saying that when you have an internet based business you will run into tech hurdles. This is precisely why we have a monthly tech call with my tech assistant where you can get your questions answered. My tech assistant is also available for hire should you have a unique situation where you need further help and get it done on your own.

Q: Can I access any of the content when I was a member after I cancel?

No. Your membership is just like a Netflix membership. Once you cancel any of the content inside the members area is no longer available to you. Simply put... if you cancel or do not renew your membership you will not be able to access any of the content inside Fearless Influencer Academy.

Q: Do you have a refund policy?

Yes and No. We only offer you a refund during your first 30 days as a member. After that there are no refunds made on future payments made. If you don't want to be billed you must let us know 48 hours before your next payment so we can stop further billing. 

If you have a question that isn't answered here; Please contact us at support@markharbert.com and we'll help you to get your questions answered. We are here to serve you and help you reach your goals.


Monthly "Keystone Framework" Training

$997 Value

Monthly Marketing Hangout

$997 Value

Monthly Tech Coaching w/ Mark's Tech Assistant

$997 Value

Weekly Stage One Training

$997 Value

Training Course Library

$1997 Value

VIP Facebook Mastermind Community

$997 Value

BONUS: The "Fast Start" Course

$297 Value

BONUS: Keystone Framework Core Training

$1997 Value

BONUS: Tools of The Trade Rolodex

$197 Value




If you're the type of person who is ready to GET PAID, CREATE CASH FLOW ON AUTOPILOT, and build your dream business, then this is the next step to making that happen...


Get Instant Access to Fearless Influencer Academy!

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, simply choose your payment option below and click the button to join our thriving community...


BEST VALUE: get two months free


Recurring annual payment - Cancel Anytime




Recurring Monthly payment - Cancel Anytime

All prices in US Dollars

© Fearless Influencer 2024. Operated by Mark Harbert & Uplevel Marketing LLC

Contact Us: support@markharbert.com

Important Disclosures: The testimonials and examples used on this page are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Individual results will vary and depend on various factors including but not limited to background, experience, and work ethic. We do not guarantee your financial success. While this page highlights certain success stories, the typical purchaser may not experience the same results. Actual results will vary, and you should not expect to achieve these results. Testimonials on this page are submitted by real users of our products. Their experiences and results are unique to them and do not necessarily reflect the experiences of all users. Any personal information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of processing your enrollment and improving our services. Your data will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy. Any free tips or promotions mentioned on this page are offered without any obligation or additional cost. If there are any terms or conditions associated with these offers, they will be clearly disclosed at the time of the offer. The content on this page may use emotional appeals to illustrate common challenges and the benefits of our system. These are intended to provide relatable examples and are not guarantees of success. For further details on our terms and conditions, privacy policy, and disclaimers, please visit our terms and conditions and privacy policy.


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We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.

day 1
day 2
day 3
day 5
bonus 1
bonus 2

Day One: Fear Crushing Video Action Plan

Eliminate Your Fear Of Creating Videos And Devise A Full Proof Video DMO!

Day Two: Five Part Video Creation Formula

How To Create Videos Using A Simple Framework Guaranteed To Bring In Leads!

Day Three: Magnetic Video Secrets

Crafting Irresistible Videos For Maximum Engagement Using Simple Proven Techniques

Day Four: Live Reach Mastery With Ray Higdon

How To Harness Live Video For Maximum Reach And Exposure!

Special Offer Starts at Minute 43:30

Day Five: The Mass Exposure Method

Boost Exposure By Repurposing Your Long Form Videos With Virtually No Extra Work!

Bonus Training #1: The Fast-Track To Full-Time Formula

How To Build Your Business Even If You're Part Time Right Now!

Bonus Training #2: The Keystone Framework

A Revolutionary Step-By-Step Plan That Gives YOU A Simple Proven Path To Creating A Seven Figure Business Just Like The Pros!
